Melbourne Grammar School By Donaldytong (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Сайтът Preppy Is a Way Of Life изготвя списък на най-“препи” училищата в цял свят. Това са елитни частни или международни училища с по-консервативни ценности и обучение, което е на изключително високо ниво. Престижни са и имат успехи в редица сфери. Възпитаниците им продължават в други елитни образователни институции. Другата важна отличителна черта на “препи” училищата е, че към тях се насочват обикновено деца от семейства, които спадат към по-високообразованата състоятелна прослойка на обществото в дадената държава.
“Препи” (“Preppy”) е термин, който е измислен през 80-те години. Той се отнася за американската елитна прослойка от високата средна класа. Препитата са високообразовани, добре изглеждащи, състоятелни и консервативни възпитаници на елитните училища и университети. Терминът произлиза от подготвителните частни училища (preparatory schools), които са разположение в североизточните части на САЩ и подготвят своите ученици за влизане в престижните университети. Определението обаче бързо се разпространява и в световен мащаб. Събратя на американските препита са френските BCBG, английските “Sloane Rangers” и “Rah”, ирландските “D4” и “West Brit”.
Целта на списъка е да послужи за ориентир за хората, които смятат, че попадат в тази прослойка, или искат децата им да учат с такива деца. В него влизат основно елитни частни и международни училища. За съжаление в списъка отсъстват доста държави от Източна и Централна Европа.
Въз основа на всичко, което съм проучвала за прослойката Preppy и техните училища в другите държави (елитни частни или чуждестранни училища), наблюденията ми върху частното образование, а така също на база логиката на подбора от Preppy Is a Way Of Life, съм добавила и няколко училища за България и още няколко държави. Нека добавеното да се възприема като първи опит да присъстват български, източно- и централноевропейски училища в този списък. Мисля, че всеки може да прецени въз основа на основните критерии за “препи” училища, дали дадено училище попада в тази категория. Така че списъкът не е окончателен, а може да се допълва.
Целта на такъв тип класации, рейтинги, списъци, не е да бъдат възприемани като нещо категорично и окончателно, а по-скоро да са някаква идея за начално проучване от всеки родител. Живеем във времена, когато мобилността е вече нещо съвсем нормално. Семействата могат да сменят градове и държави или пък детето да отиде да учи в чужбина. Нужна е информация или поне нещо начално, откъдето да стартира проучването. Това са опити за примерна ориентация откъде да започне търсенето, проучването и изборът на дадено училища. И още нещо е важно, което няма нищо общо с модерната тенденция за мобилност. Хората често обичат да са в среда, сходна до тяхната, където имат близки интереси и стремежи. Там се чувстват най-добре.
Кои училища в света са най-“препи”?
Melbourne Grammar School By Donaldytong (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
All Saints College, Bathurst All Saints College, Bull Creek Aquinas College The Armidale School Ballarat Grammar School Barker College Billanook College Brighton Grammar School Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School Camberwell Grammar School Canberra Grammar School Carey Baptist Grammar School Caulfield Grammar School Christ Church Grammar School Cranbrook School The Geelong College Geelong Grammar School Guildford Grammar School Haileybury College Hale School Ivanhoe Grammar School King’s School Knox Grammar School Melbourne Grammar School
Mentone Grammar School
MLC School Mowbray College Newington College Pembroke School Presbyterian Ladies College Radford College Scotch College, Adelaide Scotch College, Melbourne Scotch College, Perth Scotch Oakburn College The Scots College The Southport School St. Andrew’s Cathedral School St. Ignatius’ College St. Joseph’s College St. Kevin’s College St. Patrick’s College St. Peter’s College St. Phillip’s College St. Stanislaus College Sydney Boys High School Sydney Church of England Grammar School Sydney Grammar School Trinity Anglican School Trinity College Trinity Grammar School Wesley College, Melbourne Wesley College, Perth Westbourne Grammar School Westminster School Xavier College
(добавени от Данибон; непълен списък)
Theresianum източник: Уикипедия
Френски лицей
снимка: Martin Kraft ( Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Abbots Bromley School for Girls
Abbotsholme School
Abingdon School
Ackworth School
Aldenham School
Alderley Edge School for Girls
Alleyn’s School
Ampleforth College
Ardingly College
Arnold School
Ashford School
Ashville College
Bablake School
Badminton School
Bancroft’s School
Barnard Castle School
Batley Grammar School
Bedales School
Bedford Modern School
Bedford School
Benenden School
Berkhamsted School
Birkdale School
Birkenhead School
Bishop Stopford School
Bishop Wordsworth’s School
Bishop’s Stortford College
Bloxham School
Blundell’s School
The Bolitho School
Bolton School
Bootham School
Bournemouth School
Box Hill School
Bradfield College
Bradford Grammar School
Brentwood School
Brighton College
Bristol Cathedral School
Bristol Grammar School
Bromsgrove School
Bryanston School
Buckswood School
Bury Grammar School
Canford School
Caterham School
The Cathedral School
Cawston College
Charterhouse School
Cheadle Hulme School
Cheltenham College
Chesham High School
Chetham’s School of Music
Chigwell School
Christ College
Christ’s Hospital
Churcher’s College
The City Academy
City of London Freemen’s School
City of London School
Claysemore School
Clifton College
Cobham Hall
Cokethorpe School
Colfe’s School
Colston’s Collegiate School
Cranleigh School
Compton House Church of England School
The Crypt School
Culford School
Dame Allan’s School
Dauntsey’s School
Dean Close School
Denstone College
Derby Grammar School
Derby High School
Dover College
Downe House
Downside School
Dulwich College
Durham School
Eastbourne College
Ellesemere College
Eltham College
Emanuel School
Epsom College
Eton College
Eton College By Herry Lawford [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Exeter School
Felsted School
Forest School
Framlingham College
Francis Holland School
Frensham Heights School
George Stephenson Community High School
Giggleswick School
Godolphin and Latymer School
Gordon’s School
The Grange School
Greenford High School
Grenville College
Gresham’s High School
Guildford High School
Haberdasher Aske’s School for Girls
Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys School
Haberdashers’ Aske’s Hatcham College
Haileybury and Imperial Service College
Hampton School
Harrogate Ladies’ College
Harrow School
Headington School
Heathfield St. Mary’s School
Hellenic College of London
Hereford Cathedral School
Highgate School
Hulme Grammar School
Hurstpierpoint College
Hymers College
Immanuel College
Ipswich College
The John Lyon School
The Judd School
Kelly College
Kent College
Kimbolton School
King Edward VI School
King Edward VII and Queen Mary School
King Edward’s School, Bath
King Edward’s School, Birmingham
King Edward’s School, Witley
King Henry VIII School
King’s College, Taunton
King’s College School
King’s Hall
King’s School
The King’s School, Canterbury
The King’s School, Chester
The King’s School, Ely
The King’s School, Gloucester
The King’s School, Macclesfield
The King’s School, Rochester
The King’s School, Tynemouth
The King’s School, Worcester
Kingston Grammar School
Kingswood School
Kirkham Grammar School
Lancaster Royal Grammar School
Lancing College
Langley School
The Latymer School
Latymer Upper School
Leeds Grammar School
Leicester Grammar School
Leighton Park School
The Leys School
Liverpool College
London Oratory School
Lord Wandsworth College
Loughborough Grammar School
Magdalen College School
Malvern College
Manchester Grammar School
Marlborough College
Merchant Taylor’s School, Crosby
Merchant Taylor’s School, Northwood
Mill Hill School
Millfield College
Monkton Combe School
Moreton Hall School
Mount St. Mary’s College
Nailsea Community School
New College School
New College, Worcester
Newcastle-under-Lyme School
Northampton Academy
Norwich School
Nottingham High School
Oakham School
The Oratory School
Oundle School
Pangbourne College
Pate’s Grammar School
The Perse School
Peterborough High School
Plymouth College
Pocklington School
The Portsmouth Grammar School
Prestfelde School
Prior Park College
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Blackburn
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Wakefield
Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital
Queen Ethelburga’s School
Queen Margaret’s School
Queen Mary’s School
Queen’s College
Queen’s School
Radley College
Ranby House School
Ratcliffe College
Reading Blue Coat School
Reed’s School
Reigate Grammar School
Rendcomb College
Repton School
Riddlesworth Hall Prepatory School
Rodean School
Rossall School
Royal Grammar School, Guildford
Royal Grammar School, Newcastle
Royal Grammar School Worcester and The Alice Ottley School
The Royal Hospital School
Royal Russell School
Rugby School
Ryde School
Saint George’s Church of England School
Scarisbrick Hall School
Seaford College
Sedbergh School
Sevenoaks School
Sherborne School
Shiplake College
Shrewsbury School
Silcoates School
Smallwood Manor Prepatory School
Solihull School
St. Alban’s School
St. Ambrose College
St. Anselm’s College
St. Bede’s College
St. Bede’s School
St. Bee’s School
St. Benedict’s School
St. Columba’s College
St. Dunstan’s College
St. Edmund’s College
St. Edmund’s School
St. Edward’s College
St. Edward’s School
St. George’s College
St. James’ School
St. John’s School
St. Lawrence College
St. Margaret’s School
St. Mary’s College
St. Mary’s School, Calne
St. Mary’s School, Ascot
St. Mary’s School, Shaftesbury
St. Michael and All Angels
St. Olave’s and St. Saviour’s Grammar School
St. Olave’s Grammar School
St. Paul’s School
St. Peter’s Church of England School
St. Peter’s Collegiate School
St. Peter’s School
St. Saviour’s and St. Olave’s Church of England School
St. Wilfrid’s Church of England High School
St. Winifred’s School
Stamford School
Stockport Grammar School
Stonyhurst College
Stowe School
Surbiton High School
Sutton Valence School
Taunton School
Tettenhall College
Thomas Deacon Academy
Tonbridge School
Trent College
Trinity School
Truro School
Tudor Hall School
University College School
Uppingham School
Warminster School
Warwick School
Wellbeck Defence Sixth Form College
Wellingborough High School
Wellington College
Wellington School
Wells Cathedral School
West Buckland School
Westfield School
Westminster School
Westonbirt School
Whitgift School
William Hulme’s Grammar School
Winchester College
Windermere St. Anne’s School
Wisbech Grammar School
Woldingham School
Wolverhampton Grammar School
Woodbridge School
Woodhouse Grove School
Worksop College
Worth School
Wrekin College
Writhlington School
Wycliffe School
Wycombe Abbey School
Yarm School
St. Andrew’s Scots School St. George’s College St. George’s College North St. Paul’s College
Chittagong Grammar School
British School of Brussels
Bermuda High School for Girls Saltus Grammar School
Maru a Pala School
Jerudong International School
(добавени от Данибон по азбучен ред; списъкът може би не е пълен)
Royal Belfast Academical Institution By Ardfern (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons
Bangor Grammar School
Belfast Royal Academy
Campbell College
Coleraine Academical Institution
Foyle and Londonderry College
Methodist College Belfast
Portora Royal School
Royal Belfast Academical Institution
Raffles Institution източник: Уикипедия
Raffles Institution
United World College of South East Asia
Jianguo High School
The Regent’s School
Suankularb Wittayalai School
Robert College източник: Уикипедия
Robert College
Christ College
Haberdashers’ Monmouth School for Girls
Llandovery College
Monmouth School
Rougemont School
Rydal Penrhos
West Monmouth School
British School of Paris L’Ermitage Lycee Louis le Grand
Xavier School
The British School in The Netherlands
Chinese International School
Diocesan Girls’ School
East Island School
Island School
King George V School
St. Paul’s Co-Educational College
West Island School
The English School in Prague
Johannes Kepler Grammar School
The Grange School
By Roland Zumbühl (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Aiglon College
Brilliantmont International School
College Alpin Beau Soleil
Gstaad International School
Institut auf dem Rosenburg
Intitut le Rosey
International School of Geneva
Leman School
Leysin American School
Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz
Monte Rosa
Neuchatel Junior College
St. George’s School
Dollar Academy
The Edinburgh Academy
Fettes College
George Heriot’s School
George Watson’s College
The Glasgow Academy
Glenalmond College
Gordonstoun School
High School of Dundee
The High School of Glasgow
Hutchesons’ Grammar School
Kelvinside Academy
Lomond School
Loretto School
Merchiston Castle School
Morrison’s Academy
Queen Victoria School
Robert Gordoun’s School
St. Aloysius’ College
St. Columba’s School
St. Leonard’s School
Stewart’s Melville College
Strathallan School
Южна Африка
African Leadership Academy
Bridge House School
Diocesan College
Diocesan High School for Girls
Hilton College
Kearnsey College
St. Andrew’s College
St. Cyprian’s School
St. George’s Grammar School
St. John’s School
St. Mary’s Anglican School
St. Stithian’s College
Stanford Lake College
Tiger Kloof Educational Institute
Penryn College
Южна Корея
Korean Minjok Leadership Academy By Snowfalcon cu (Own work (own site, [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
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