Справочник от “Данибон”
Най-желаните американски елитни университети имат различни политики и изисквания по отношение на SAT и най-вече SAT Subject Tests. Някои искат SAT с есе, а други – не. Много разнообразно е отношението към SAT тестовете по предмети. Оформят се четири групи университети в тази категория. Първите задължително изискват SAT Subject Tests и обикновено са два. Втората група не изисква, но препоръчва. Трети доуточняват, че не искат, но ще разгледат резултата. А има и четвърти тип – не искат такъв тип тестове.
Преди време повечето от най-желаните американски университети дори са изисквали по 3 SAT Subject Tests. Сега само Georgetown силно препоръчва три теста по предмети.
Kакви са изискванията на елитни университети за SAT и SAT Subject Tests?
Направих справка в сайтовете на едни от най-известните американски университети какви са им изискванията за SAT и най-вече за SAT Subject Tests. Цитатите са на английски. Препоръчвам ви да преглеждате сайтовете им за новости, тъй като настъпват и промени. Предоставила съм линкове, чрез които да можете бързо да достигнете до страницата с нужната информация по отношение на тестовете.
Brown University
Препоръчваме, но не изискваме два SAT Subject Tests по ваш избор.
Информация за SAT Subject Test
- Test Requirements: Applicants can satisfy our testing requirement in one of two ways: (1) Either the SAT with Essay, or (2) the ACT with Writing.
- We recommend, but do not require, the submission of two SAT Subject Tests of your choice.
- If you are applying to the Program in Liberal Medical Education, we strongly recommend one subject test in either Biology, Chemistry or Physics.
- Official test results must be sent directly to Brown from either the College Board, which administers the SAT.
- To have scores sent to Brown, you will need to provide our institutional code numbers:
- For the SAT, Brown’s code number is 3094
източник: https://www.brown.edu/admission/undergraduate/apply/first-year-applicants
Columbia University
Не изискват SAT Subject Tests, но биха приели резултатите, ако им бъдат пратени.
- You may choose to take either the ACT or the SAT, and you may self-report your scores on your application.
- The appropriate SAT code is 2116.
Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), SAT Subject Test and other proficiency exam scores are not required by Columbia, but we will accept your results if you choose to submit them in the testing section of your Common Application or Coalition Application. Optional SAT Subject Test scores can also be submitted on the Columbia application status page after you have applied.You will not be at a disadvantage should you choose not to take these optional tests or submit the scores to Columbia.
източник: https://undergrad.admissions.columbia.edu/apply/first-year/testing
Cornell University
Зависи от програмите. Някои изискват. Вижте подробности тук.
You must submit your scores for either the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT. Some of our undergraduate colleges/schools also have specific requirements for the SAT Subject Tests.
Review the Freshman Admission Requirements Chart to see what’s required. It’s your responsibility to make sure that you have taken the right Subject Tests.
All required scores must be officially reported to Cornell from the testing agency by our application deadline.
Note that Cornell requires students to submit all scores from SAT tests taken and does not participate in the College Board’s Score Choice.
източник: https://admissions.cornell.edu/apply/first-year-applicants/admission-requirements
За инженерната специалност, например, се изискват:
– SAT Subject Test – 2 броя: математика (без значение дали 1-во или 2-ниво) и по науки
– TOEFL или IELTS за чуждестранни студенти
SAT Subject Test Requirements by College/School
- Agriculture and Life Sciences: SAT Subject Tests not required
- Architecture, Art, and Planning: SAT Subject Tests not required
- Arts and Sciences: Two subjects of your choice
- Cornell SC Johnson College of Business—Applied Economics and Management: SAT Subject Tests not required
- Cornell SC Johnson College of Business—Hotel Administration: SAT Subject Tests not required
- Engineering: Mathematics (any level) and a science of your choice
- Human Ecology: SAT Subject Tests not required
- Industrial and Labor Relations: SAT Subject Tests not required
източник: https://admissions.cornell.edu/standardized-testing-requirements
Dartmouth College
Препоръчват да се изпратят резултатите от 2 SAT Subject Tests.
SAT Reasoning (with Essay)
2 SAT Subject Test Scores
We recommend that you submit 2 SAT Subject Test scores to help us better understand your academic strengths. We encourage you take tests in the two subjects you like the most. If you submit more than two subject test scores, we will look at your two best scores. Alternately, if you do not submit subject test scores, it will not prevent your candidacy from receiving a full review by the Admissions Committee.
TOEFL or IELTS (unless English is your first language or the primary language of instruction at your current or most recent secondary school)
източник: https://admissions.dartmouth.edu/apply/choose-your-path/regular-decision/testing
Препоръчват се 2 SAT Subject Tests.
Two Subject Tests strongly recommended. Students who submit the new SAT will also be required to submit the essay component.
For students who submit the SAT, two SAT Subject Tests are strongly recommended. Students who have taken the test multiple times may choose which scores to send to Duke. Duke will use the highest available scores in each section, plus the two highest Subject Test scores, regardless of the date those tests were taken. Our school code for the SAT is 5156.
Students intending to enter in the fall of 2018 and beyond will be required to submit the new SAT.
Applicants to the Pratt School of Engineering who take the SAT are strongly recommended to take one SAT Subject Test in Mathematics (level 1 or level 2).
Applicants to the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences who take the SAT may take any two SAT Subject Tests. For complete information about the use of SAT Subject Test scores in foreign language placement at Duke, please visit Languages at Duke.
източник: http://admissions.duke.edu/application/instructions#testing
Силно препоръчват 3 теста.
- SAT – Georgetown’s SAT code is 5244. Georgetown only considers the critical reading and math portions of the SAT, not the writing section. If an applicant takes the SAT more than once, the admissions committees will consider the highest critical reading score and the highest math score from multiple test sessions when reviewing the application.
- SAT Subject Tests – It is strongly recommended that all candidates, whether they have taken the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT, submit three SAT Subject Tests scores. The scores from writing portion on the SAT Reasoning Test and the optional writing portion of the ACT will not be used in place of a Subject Test.
източник: https://uadmissions.georgetown.edu/firstyear/preparation
Обикновено се препоръчват два SAT Subject Tests.
While we normally require two SAT Subject Tests, you may apply without them if the cost of the tests represents a financial hardship or if you prefer to have your application considered without them. Standardized testing is only one component of our admissions process and your application will be evaluated on the basis of all submitted information.
Standardized tests are best viewed as rough yardsticks of academic progress which are greatly affected by academic opportunity. This article from the Harvard Gazette has more information about standardized tests, test preparation and the changing SAT.
Subject Tests can be helpful both for admissions and course placement purposes. Students whose first language is not English and those less familiar with standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT can often demonstrate their academic progress more effectively by also submitting Subject Tests. International students generally benefit from submitting Subject Tests and should take them if possible as they are unlikely to be admitted on the basis of SAT or ACT alone.
The decision whether to take Subject Tests is entirely up to you. You should ask yourself whether other academic credentials including, but not limited to, AP results, IB marks, A Levels grades, etc., adequately represent your suitability for studying at Harvard. If there is any doubt, you should take two Subject Tests. Official scores should be sent if possible but can be forwarded after matriculation if expense is a consideration.
Subject Test results can be used to help assess which course levels are appropriate to take at Harvard and can enable you to pass our language requirement (700 or better on a language Subject Test) and take advanced courses from among 80+ foreign languages…
източник: https://college.harvard.edu/admissions/apply/application-process/sat-subject-tests
Изискват се от всички кандидати SAT, SAT Math I или SAT Math II и SAT Subject Tests по науките
Standardized tests are required for any student applying as a freshman to MIT. However, they are not the only factor, or even the most important factor.
When we receive your application, we review all of your academic information—grades, scores, classes, etc.—to ensure that you are prepared for MIT. In part because of the strength of our applicant pool, the majority of our applicants are very well prepared to succeed at MIT.
What this means is that you shouldn’t stress out too much about your scores, because we admit people, not numbers. With that said, tests are certainly important, and you should prepare for them as best you can.
Testing Requirements
Standardized Test Requirements: 2016-2017 and Beyond
All applicants must complete one test from each category
SAT/ACT/TOEFL Math SAT II Subject Test Science SAT II Subject Test SAT (old or new) Math Level 1 Biology ACT Math Level 2 Chemistry TOEFL Physics
For native English speakers:
We require the SAT or the ACT. We do not prefer one over the other. In addition, we require two SAT Subject Tests: one in math (level 1 or 2), and one in science (physics, chemistry, or biology e/m). We do not have a preference as to which science test you take or which math level you take.
For non-native English speakers:
You have two options: 1) take the tests required for native English speakers (see above), or 2) take the TOEFL and two SAT Subject Tests, one in math (level 1 or 2) and one in science (physics, chemistry, or biology e/m). If you have been using English for less than 5 years or do not speak English at home or at school, we strongly suggest that you take the TOEFL, although it is not required for you to do so.
On Writing
While MIT will not require either the ACT writing section or SAT optional essay, MIT does value writing and communication highly…
If you take the same test (SAT, ACT, or an SAT Subject Test) multiple times, we will consider the highest score achieved in each section. This superscoring also applies to students who submit scores from both the “old” and “new” SAT. We do this in order to consider all applicants in their best light…
Testing Deadlines and Reporting Scores
In order to apply for freshman admission, you must take the required tests on or before the November test date for Early Action or the December test date for Regular Action. These are the latest scores that will reach the Admissions Committee in time for review.
Your scores must be reported to us officially from the testing agency; scores you list on your application and scores appearing on your school transcript will not be considered official.
Please allow plenty of time for your scores to arrive at MIT. Keep in mind that it takes at least 4 to 6 weeks for us to receive SAT scores. We recommend that you list MIT as a school to receive your scores when you take the test. If you are an Early Action applicant, and you take the November test—or if you are a Regular Action applicant, and take the December test—you must list MIT as a school to receive your scores or we will not receive them in time for our review.
It is important that you register for tests with the same name as you have indicated on your application or MyMIT account. Your record and test scores will not be linked in our system if the names do not match.
Registration information:
- SAT and SAT Subject Tests: MIT’s code is 3514
- TOEFL: MIT’s code is 3514
When To Take Which Tests
Obviously, it’s vital that students take all tests on or before the deadlines. Beyond that, however, choose your test dates wisely! For example, if you will be completing high school physics, chemistry or biology before your senior year, it’s very wise to take the appropriate SAT Subject Tests(s) right afterwards (usually May or June), while the material is fresh in your mind.
Many applicants do take at least one science subject test during senior year, after completing only a portion of the given course; our Admissions Committee recognizes this and judges the scores accordingly. As a general rule, however, it’s best to take a subject exam just after you’ve completed a whole course.
The content of your math courses should determine whether you take the Level 1 or the Level 2 Math test and when (we have no preference between the two tests). Before you choose the dates for any of your tests, particularly the math test, be sure to get advice from your school counselor and your teachers.
Competitive Scores
We do not have cut off or recommended scores for the ACT, SAT, or SAT Subject Tests as scores are evaluated within an applicant’s context. To view test score statistics from the most recent admissions year, visit our admissions statistics page.
Because MIT is an English medium university, language proficiency is crucial. For this reason, we do have minimum scores for the TOEFL exam:
- IBT: 90 minimum; 100 recommended
- PBT: 577 minimum; 600 recommended
източник: http://mitadmissions.org/apply/freshman/tests
Ето и как са се представили кандидатите за MIT на SAT:
Middle 50% Score Range of Admitted Students (25th and 75th percentiles)
Note: using new SAT (or old concorded to new)
SAT Math | [770, 800] |
SAT EBRW | [730, 780] |
Distribution of SAT Scores (Math)
Applicants | Admits | Admit rate | |
750-800 | 9,341 | 971 | 10% |
700-740 | 2,430 | 77 | 3% |
650-690 | 1,296 | 7 | 1% |
600-640 | 577 | 0 | 0% |
< 600 | 446 | 0 | 0% |
Distribution of SAT Scores (EBRW)
Applicants | Admits | Admit rate | |
750-800 | 5,409 | 677 | 13% |
700-740 | 4,020 | 271 | 7% |
650-690 | 2,441 | 82 | 3% |
600-640 | 1,300 | 24 | 2% |
< 600 | 920 | 1 | 0% |
източник: http://mitadmissions.org/apply/process/stats
Princeton University
Препоръчват два SAT Subject Tests.
Princeton requires the submission of one of the two following: (1) SAT with Essay or (2) ACT with Writing. We will accept submission of the “old” SAT test, which was replaced by the redesigned SAT in March 2016.
In addition, we recommend, but do not require, the submission of two SAT Subject Tests, which often assist us in the evaluation process. We have no preference for the specific SAT Subject Tests applicants choose to take. However, if you apply for the Bachelor of Science in Engineering, we recommend that you take either mathematics Level I or II, and either physics or chemistry.
Some students may find the cost of taking and submitting SAT Subject Tests to be prohibitive. Please note you will not be penalized for not submitting SAT Subject Tests if the cost of taking the tests causes financial hardship. In such instances, we will rely on rigor of coursework, strength of recommendations, quality of writing in the essays and any other information available to us.
We allow applicants to use the score choice feature of both the SAT and ACT, but we encourage the submission of all test scores.
Please know that standardized testing is but one element of our comprehensive and holistic application review process. We employ no minimum test scores for admission; rather, the entirety of a student’s background is considered in context.
- International students must submit either the SAT with Essay or ACT with Writing. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), The Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic), the International English Language Testing System Academic (IELTS Academic) or national examination results are not used as a substitute for the SAT or ACT.
Registering for Tests
Visit the SAT Online Registration website to register. Use code 2672 to ensure your scores are sent to Princeton. We accept only scores submitted directly by the College Board.
Testing Deadlines
Single-choice early action candidates are strongly encouraged to complete their testing before the Nov. 1 deadline. Students taking standardized tests in November should have their scores sent directly to Princeton.
Regular decision applicants must complete all SAT testing by the December test date. All ACT testing must be completed by the December test date.
Transfer applicants must complete all SAT testing by the March test date. All ACT testing must be completed by the February test date.
източник: https://admission.princeton.edu/how-apply/standardized-testing
Изисква се SAT, а тестовете по предметите са “добре дошли”.
For the application process, we require test scores from either the ACT with Writing or the SAT with Essay… If you take the SAT, the essay section is required. Test scores without writing/essay will not complete the testing requirement for the application.
Test Codes
SAT/PROFILE/TOEFLCode number: 4704
All scores from all high school sittings of either the ACT or SAT (or both if you took both) are required.
Superscoring Test Results
We want you to have the best test representation possible, and we will superscore your results according to the following rubric: For the SAT, we will focus on the highest individual Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, Math, and Essay scores from all test sittings.
SAT Subject Tests
SAT Subject Tests are optional. Because SAT Subject Test scores can highlight your areas of strength, we welcome the self-reporting of these results in your application.
University of Chicago
Не изискват тестове по предметите.
We require an ACT or SAT score and have no preference between the two tests or between the “old” SAT and the “new” SAT. We will continue to accept scores from the old version of the SAT for the five years scores remain valid. The writing portion of the ACT or the SAT is not required, nor are any SAT Subject Tests. We do not have minimum test score requirements.
UChicago’s SAT code is 1832.
Още информация за тестовете можете да откриете тук.
University of Pennsylvania
SAT Subject Tests са препоръчителни, но не задължителни.
- Penn will accept scores from both the old SAT and the new SAT.
- We do not require the essay portion of the new SAT.
SAT Subject Tests are recommended but not required. Applicants who do not take SAT Subject Tests will not be at a disadvantage in the admissions process.
Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences | Any two Subject Tests |
Nursing | Science, preferably Chemistry |
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) | Math Level 2 and a science test (preferably Physics for Engineering Applicants) |
Business | Math Level 2 |
източник: http://www.admissions.upenn.edu/apply/whatpennlooksfor/testing
Yale University
SAT с есе е задължителен. SAT Subject Tests са препоръчителни.
The SAT or the ACT with Writing is required for admission. For SATs taken in March 2016 or later, the additional essay is required. Students applying for freshman admission for fall 2017 or fall 2018 may submit either the old or the new SAT.
Old SAT or ACT with Writing or New SAT with Essay | Required |
SAT Subject Tests | Recommended |
New SAT with Essay or ACT with Writing | Required |
SAT Subject Tests | Recommended |
Yale’s CEEB code for the SAT is 3987.
SAT Subject Tests are recommended but not required. Applicants who do not take SAT Subject Tests will not be disadvantaged in the application process.We will consider your application on the basis of the other testing, and all the other information, that we receive with your application. You may wish to consider whether there are particular areas of academic strength you would like to demonstrate to the Admissions Committee. Subject Tests can be one way to convey that strength.
Yale does participate in Score Choice for the reporting of SAT Subject Tests. You may wait to receive your score results before deciding which scores, if any, you would like to send to Yale…
Чуждестранните кандидат-студенти трябва да се явят на TOEFL, IELTS, PTE или Duolingo English Test.
Yale’s most competitive applicants will have TOEFL scores of at least the following:
- 100 on the internet-based TOEFL
- 600 on the paper-based TOEFL
- 250 on the computer-based TOEFL
Be sure to include Yale’s CEEB code (3987) on all test registrations.
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the Pearson Test of English (PTE) offer proficiency tests in locations around the world. Pre-registration is required. Yale’s most competitive applicants will have IELTS scores of 7 or higher and Pearson Test scores of 70 or higher.
източник: https://admissions.yale.edu/standardized-testing
Университетите, които използват точките от SAT Subject Tests, можете да откриете тук. Информацията е предоставена от организатора на SAT – College Board.